Presbyterian General Assembly Science and Faith Proposal

From: Ron Schooler (
Date: Wed Jun 13 2001 - 00:11:48 EDT

  • Next message: Howard J. Van Till: "Re: Divine vs creaturely action"

    This would seem to be a project that ASA could be a part of.

          LOUISVILLE - In recommending approval of Overture 01-55 from the Presbytery of National Capital, the Assembly Committee on Theological Issues, Educational Institutions opened doors for more resources to be developed on the relationship of the findings of the sciences to the affirmation of God as Creator of the universe. The vote in the committee for approval was 54 to 1.
            Elder Sandra Hawley, electrical engineer who shared her views on faith and science during her moderatorial candidacy, also shared views with the committee she serves on: "I didn't have many resources on the relationship of faith and science. Our church has said little about it. We need to start showing the relationship to our young people."
            If the overture is approved by the Assembly, there will be guidance for "congregations, presbyteries and synods concerning the relationship of the findings of the sciences to the affirmation of God as Creator of the universe, earth, life, and humankind; and the implications of this relationship for congregational education and the witness of Presbyterians in relation to state and local science education standards and teaching."

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