"Howard J. Van Till" wrote:
> Jim offered the following quotation in response to Bert's request:
> > How about this:
> >
> > "Man is the result of a purposeless and natural process that did not have
> > him in mind"
> >
> > George Gaylord Simpson, The Meaning of Evolution, pp. 344-345.
> >
> > Quoted by Johnson at the following:
> > http://www.leaderu.com/orgs/fte/darwinism/chapter4.html
> Two comments to keep in mind when quoting such a remark:
> 1. This is an expression of Simpson's personal belief, not a statement that
> is (or could be) the conclusion of purely scientific considerations. The
> scientific concept of evolution, for instance, does not lead to this
> conclusion, nor does it need it as a foundational presupposition.
> 2. Just because a preacher of naturalism (who also happens to be a prominent
> scientist) says "X", it does not follow that X is true or that X is
> considered to be true by the majority of scientists.
& a footnote to Howard's 2d footnote: Further statements by scientists such as
Simpson that therefore evolution is incompatible with Christianity carry very
little weight. I am amused when Christian anti-evolutionists cite such
statements approvingly, as if Simpson et al were expert theologians.
George L. Murphy
"The Science-Theology Dialogue"
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