[george murphy]
| "Stein A. Strømme" wrote:
| ..................................
| > He has also published a beautiful book called "3:16", a commentary on
| > all the 3:16 verses of the Bible.
| I have noticed that there are several significant 3:16 verses -
| e.g., those in both I & II Timothy. Genesis 3:16 is of course the
| classic proof text showing that women should not be allowed anesthesia
| for childbirth. But it should be remembered that the chapter & verse
| divisions of both OT & NT are much later than the text itself and have no
| theological meaning. In some cases it seems as if those who made these
| divisions had no sense at all for the flow of the text.
Of course Knuth is well aware of this, and in fact he discusses at
some length the degree of "randomness" in such a selection of verses,
and the possible merits in looking more closely at a pseudo-random
cross-section of the Bible. The choice of 3:16 is not itself random,
of course.
-- Stein Arild Strømme telefon +47 55584825 Universitetet i Bergen, Matematisk institutt mobil +47 95801887 Johs Brunsg 12, N--5008 Bergen telefax +47 55589672 <mailto:stromme@mi.uib.no> <http://www.mi.uib.no/~stromme>
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