It is amazing to me that many churches are going backwards and that we are still having this debate. As in Galileo's time, this will only hurt the church.
Antony Bakke
>>> 03/19 7:12 AM >>>
Some of you may be interested in the report on the framework hypothesis
made to the the Southern California Presbytery of the OPC (Orthodox
Presbyterian Church). Apparently ministerial candidates who were not
holding to a 24 literal days were being given difficulty by the
Presbytery. Interestingly enough the majority report supported a
framework hypothesis. I have not read the report and it is apparently
not online but a fairly full report can be found at the Presbyterian &
Reformed News url at: I would
be interested to know what the Presbytery decided or any comments any of
you have. I think I could get you a copy of the report but the cost is
about $15.
The RCUS recently took a 24 hour position on the days of Creation. With
permission of one of their churches, I placed a link
( to this document from my Zoo
Links page at
I am ccing this to acb-l (Christian biologists list) since the list has
been a bit dead lately. If any of them are in the ASA responses, they
can read them in the archives at url:
-- James Mahaffy 712 722-0381 (Home) 227 S. Main St. 712 722-6279 (Office) Sioux Center, IA 51250
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