>My colleague is teaching an upper level course in perspectives for the
>first time and was looking for some or a good balanced article on human
>evolution. He has, " Hartwig-Sherer's article from Mere Creation and John
>Bloom's article from Christian Scholar's Review (1997)", but I was
>wondering if any of you had any other suggestions. The article needs to
>be "a reasonably short and accessible article that can be discussed in one
>class period."
I think that one of the best treatments of the human (hominid) fossil
record is that by Ian Tattersall. The book is called "The Fossil Trail:
How we know what we think we know about human evolution" (1995, Oxford
University Press). This is a scientific and historical account by one of
the significant players in physical anthropology. It has good clear
descriptions of the fossil material ( and nice line drawings) along with
the historical context of the discoveries.
Keith B. Miller
Department of Geology
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506
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