Skipping everybody else's logic for a moment, let's look at yours:
Allen Roy wrote:
>YEC logic:
>(1) Presume that God Created the world and universe, (based on the Bible).
Hey, no quarrel here, how and when still open to question, but the majority
on this list will shout "amen" to that one.
>(2) Presume the universe and earth are very young, (based on the Bible).
Got into a little trouble here. Suggest you read chapter 8, "The Days of
Creation: Hours or Eons?" on my web page:
>(3) Presume that God originated life on earth, (based on the Bible:
>Creation Week).
Here again, the "Who" generally is not questioned by members of this
list. How God created, the processes and time involved can be debated -
and we do.
>(4) Presume that the Biosphere on earth is "young", (based on 3).
Presumptions get everybody in trouble.
>(5) Presume that the fall of man precipitated the beginning of death among
>mankind and the animal world [possibly excluding insects], excluding
>plants, (based on the Bible)
Here you have either misread the Scriptures, or haven't bothered to read
the Scriptures. This is an excerpt from the book I referenced earlier:
Young-earth creationists maintain the Bible prohibits death, even in the
animal world, until Adam commits Original Sin. Genesis 3:17b and Romans
8:22 are summoned for oblique support, but essentially this idea of no
death in the animal kingdom before Adam hinges on their interpretation of
about one half of one verse in Romans.
Citing Romans 5:12, Henry Morris explains that death "entered into the
world" only when sin came by man. And, he continues:
... it is as obvious as anything could be that the fossil record
now found in the sedimentary rocks of the
earth's crust could only have been formed sometime after man sinned.
Is that what the Bible says? All the world's predator animals had to wait
for sin before they could put their claws and fangs into tasty red
meat? Can you envision black clouds of hungry buzzards egging Eve
on? Does that sound plausible?
Let us get some perspective. What did Paul say in Romans? "Wherefore, as
by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin ..." (Rom.
5:12a). Does this mean Adam's sin caused death in the animal world
too? Did sin inflict both man and animals in the eyes of Paul?
There are at least two reasons that death was not dealt to the animal world
through Adam's fall. First, the fossil record is replete with over half a
billion years worth of animal death. That predates Adam by a wide
margin. The second reason is that animals do not belong in the same
"world" as man, attested to by the Bible writers themselves.
Notice that Morris did not use the entire verse. He stopped in
mid-sentence, in fact. This is what follows the semi-colon. Romans 5:12b:
"and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned." So the Bible
tells us, "as obvious as anything could be," who or what is affected by
Adam's sin - men, not animals.
Additional clarification can be found in the following verse. Romans 5:13:
"For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there
is no law." Who was under the law, men or animals? Did animals tithe,
fast, celebrate feasts, honor the sabbath, keep the commandments, or offer
up unblemished sacrifices?
In Romans 4:13: "For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world,
was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the
righteousness of faith." Were animals "through the righteousness of faith"
to be joint heirs of the world along with the descendants of Abraham?
Had Adam's sin carried a death sentence for the animal world as well, those
concerned critters could take heart with I Corinthians 15:22: "For as in
Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." So, if
young-earth proponents are right, keep stocking those pet cemeteries,
there's a new day a-comin'. The trumpet will blow, and millions of years
worth of animal life will burst forth!
Putting frivolity aside, Scripture forbids such a ludicrous interpretation
of Romans 5:12. Adam's sin of disobedience caused death unto all his
generations. In addition, the death referred to in this passage more
probably refers to spiritual death than physical death. With continued
access to the tree of life, Adam would have lived forever despite Original
Sin, according to Genesis 3:22.
>(6) Presume that the geologic record displays (for the most part) the
>catastrophic event called Noah's Flood, (based on the Bible and scientific
Explain why no fossil bones are found in Pre-Cambrian rock. Sedimentary,
Pre-Cambrian rock can be found, thousands of feet in thickness in some
locations, which records a period of time when animals did not exist. Did
the flood filter out the animal bones?
>(7) Presume that the life forms existing on earth prior to the Flood are
>recorded in the geologic record, (based on 6 and scientific observation).
Hmmmm ... 1500 years of pre-flood fossils ... Which ones are they?
>(8) Conclude that genetic variation within created kinds is responsible
>for all life forms evident in the geologic record and living today, (based
>on 3, 6 and scientific observation)
There is greater genetic distance between zebras and horses than there is
between humans and chimps. Do zebras and horses belong to two different
created kinds? Also, there is greater genetic distance between gophers
living on the opposite banks of the Colorado river (separated by the Grand
Canyon). Did God create two "kinds" of gophers, one for each side of the
YEC logic? I think you've found another oxymoron.
Dick Fischer - The Origins Solution -
"The answer we should have known about 150 years ago."
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