I thought this may be of interest to some of you.
Jim Hofmann
Philosophy Department and Liberal Studies Program
California State University Fullerton
-----Original Message-----
From: Marilia Coutinho [mailto:marilia-coutinho@UOL.COM.BR]
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 11:22 AM
Subject: PLEASE HELP: natural history museums, education experts and the
criationist debate
1. I need some help in contacting STAFF FROM NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUMS
who would be willing to talk (e-mail or voice) to me about how they handle
the creationist issue (with the public, in the planning of exhibitions and
in dealing with interest groups). I am writing a series of articles about
creationism in the US for Brazilian periodicals (both popular and academic).
The conventional contact procedures are not being useful - maybe because
this is a rather touchy issue in the US and people are afraid to talk. I am
hoping to reach more open-minded people here. Again: this material will be
published in Brazil, where this issue is risk-free - the teaching of
Evolution is un-problematic here (that is why the American issue needs to be
2. I would appreciate stories from anyone involved in the public debate
on creationism in education: high-school teachers, education policy experts,
administrators - anyone. I have already contacted the NCSE - I would really
like to get first hand experience information now.
3. I would like to contact SCIENTIFIC LITERACY experts.
4. Any information and input is greatly appreciated and all credit will
be given (except if you'd rather keep anonymous!!)
Marilia Coutinho, Ph.D. marilia-coutinho@uol.com.br
Núcleo de Pesquisas sobre Ensino Superior - USP
Rua do Anfiteatro 181 - Colméia - Favo 9
CEP: 05508-900 - São Paulo, SP - Brazil
Voice:55-11-3815 41 34 / Fax: 55-11-818 31 57
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