Re: Ramm, Rimmer, etc

From: Peter Vibert (
Date: Tue Feb 27 2001 - 11:47:11 EST

  • Next message: Moorad Alexanian: "Re: (no subject)"

     Howard J. Van Till <> wrote:

    > The intended distinction was between (1) direct divine revelation, disguised
    > to look like human writing and (2) human writing that benefits from an
    > awareness of God. Option (1) often leads to Book worship insulated from
    > critical evaluation, while (2) invites continuing evaluation in the light of
    > the totality of human experience. (1) invites the "say as they said"
    > syndrome; (2) invites the "do as they did" strategy that I favor.

    I'm not sure Howard is giving Scripture its due here. I know it's old
    ground, but it's worth remembering that "all scripture is
    God-breathed/inspired by God" and that "men spoke from God as they
    were carried along by the Holy Spirit."

    These claims should sensitize us to the complexity of revelation, and
    discourage us from making unwarranted distinctions between "direct
    divine revelation" and "human writing." Scripture is both. How God can
    do that is beyond us, but so too is the Incarnation...

    None of this need encourage "Book worship," nor discourage "continuing
    evaluation," including a greater sensitivity to genre issues.

    Grace and peace,

    Peter Vibert

    Wading River Congregational Church
    PO Box 596
    Wading River, NY 11792

    Guest Senior Scientist
    Biology Department
    Brookaven National Laboratory
    Upton, NY 11793

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