Re: (no subject)

From: John W Burgeson (
Date: Tue Feb 27 2001 - 12:59:27 EST

  • Next message: John W Burgeson: "Re: So. Baptist Spin on BOE Vote"

    Lucy commented: " I have NEVER known a teacher to be stupid enough to
    make this type of comment to a child. "

    It's probably a good thing never to say "never." < G >

    Gagarian (SP?) said just about that after his first trip into space, and
    he said it to the world, including children. I was not much past
    childhood then and I remember being somewhat impressed by his remark.
    Although, not being a Christian at the time I did not think it of much

    I remember an English teacher in 9th grade using much the same sort of
    logic on a bunch of us naive students. He was a "wise"man and I think it
    was he who first persuaded me that the faith of my fathers might be
    bogus. To this day I remember his arguments and it was 16 years before I
    finally understood how puerile they were.

    Burgy (John Burgeson)

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