Re: Fair to Keith Miller

From: Keith B Miller (
Date: Fri Feb 23 2001 - 11:14:33 EST

  • Next message: bivalve: "Evolution and randomness"

    >James, if Keith does in fact withhold data (or actually, I suppose, fail
    >to mention the things that his data cannot explain) then his actions are
    >open for criticisms. I did *not* say that he has a lack of integrity or
    >knowledge, just that he deserves the criticism he receives.

    Please give an example where I have knowlingly withheld confirmed data.
    What precisely are the criticisms to which you refer?

    >In your opinion, Keith, is John's "false" characterization of the
    >standards a result of misunderstanding or misrepresentation? Personally,
    >I would think John is well versed in these issues and would not be guilty
    >of misunderstanding the intent of the standards.

    I do not want to pursue this, because I have no interest in getting into
    personal criticism. I will say that when I talked with John at the last
    ASA meeting, I found that he had actaully not read the standards, while yet
    publically criticizing them. I do not know whether he has read the current
    standards or not.

    Regardless of the reasons, his portrayal of the intent and language of the
    standards is incorrect. I personally know several of the authors of the
    standards and have had an intimate knowledge of the many revisions through
    which they have passed. I would prefer that any future discussion of the
    standards be based on what they actually state. In other words, if you
    have not read them for yourself in there entirety I would urge you to make
    no comment.


    Keith B. Miller
    Department of Geology
    Kansas State University
    Manhattan, KS 66506

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