>"Nowhere in the standards is science, or evolutionary theory, associated
>with a philosophical position that denies divine direction or purpose."
>It is quite obvious that some people don't agree with that claim.
I will only ask that you read the complete standards for yourself. They
are posted at <http://kabt.org/Ks_Standards/Standard6.htm>. I grow weary
of people criticising the standards who have never actually read them.
Rather than reply to your subsequent comments, I simply ask you to read the
standards and judge for yourself. None of the quotes you list are from the
standards themselves. I wish people would stop arguing on the basis of
what other say the standards say. Just read them. All versions of the
standards have been on the web and available for any one to read.
Keith B. Miller
Department of Geology
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506
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