Re: PCA Creation Report

Date: Fri Feb 16 2001 - 00:57:23 EST

  • Next message: "Re: [METAVIEWS] 008: The Big Tent and the Camel's Nose,by Eugenie Scott"

    Keith wrote:

    << The statements I listed were other denominational statements on creation
     and evolution. I think such statements would be very relevant to our
     constituency. >>

    Without commenting yea or nay on the relevancy of these other denominational
    statements, it looks like you are thinking of the PCA Creation Report as a
    denominational statement on creation. In spite of its name, it is not. It is
    a report by a committee on the main and varied ways that Christians have
    interpreted Gen 1 particularly with regard to the length of the days. It
    takes up each interpretive approach quite thoroughly and gives both the pro
    and con evidence regarding it. It is a very balanced document which
    recommends simply that the General Assembly of the PCA adopt a position that
    all of the varied views be acceptable.


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