Re: More on Gosse's OMPHALOS

From: John W Burgeson (
Date: Wed Feb 14 2001 - 14:13:07 EST

  • Next message: David F Siemens: "Re: More on Gosse's OMPHALOS"

    >>It's a very random process of throwing together available ingredients.
    Yet I
    do create. And generally everybody seems pretty pleased with what ends
    up on
    the table.>>

    I'd probably argue that what you throw together is not quite random. Else
    you might set a table with dog food and a pepper shaker and raw beef and
    the kitchen dust mop. But you really select (not at random) among what is
    edible in the pantry & refrigerator.

    IOW -- you create.

    I think that is what creation is, in the last analysis. Starting with a
    chaotic situation and ending up with something both complex and
    specified. Even if the specification is done as part of the creation
    process rather than as a prior plan.

    Burgy (John Burgeson)

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