Re: PCA Creation Report

From: Preston Garrison (
Date: Tue Feb 13 2001 - 19:41:37 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Framework Hypothesis (was Kelly Creation and Change)"

    >I find the sensitivity to having posted the PCA report interesting. I
    >don't believe that the ASA "endorses" anything that we post on the web
    >site. Occasionally, there may be an official statement, but most of what is
    >there are articles written by members for the journal or articles deemed of
    >value by the editors/webmasters.
    >While I don't object to the suggested disclaimer, I'm curious why similar
    >disclaimers aren't requested for each of the documents we have on-line.
    >By and large, the ASA has "no official position" on many of these issues
    >and we tolerate a broad diversity of opinion within our ranks and encourage
    >the public debate and education concerning these various views.
    >There is a sense of endorsement only in that this is deemed a valuable
    >document that contributes to the discussion. Of course, the ASA doesn't
    >endorse the conclusions as necessarily correct.

    I find the sensitivity to my alleged sensitivity to be interesting. My only reason for making the suggestion is that the report is, unlike everything else that I am aware of on the site, a formal statement of policy by an institution. Since the ASA is also an institution of sorts, it seemed that there might be confusion on the part of uninformed visitors. I would think it is fairly apparent that papers with individual's names on them are not statements of position of the organization.


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