Re: genetics & textual variants

From: george murphy (
Date: Sun Feb 11 2001 - 19:15:38 EST

  • Next message: Russell Maatman: "Intelligent Design"

    "M.B.Roberts" wrote:

    > Where in the Bible does it tell us that the Bible teaches us science. It
    > uses the common language of the day to explain things in an everyday way. I
    > remember Francis Schaeffer explianing this to some at L'Abri way back in
    > 1971.

            Yes. I certainly did not mean to endorse this view but merely noted
    that there are those who hold it. The U.S. Constitution (and I'm sure many
    other legal texts) also has the same language of inheritance by "blood": "No
    Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood." But no one with any sense
    will argue that the legal status of this text in the U.S. is in any way
    compromised by the fact that it uses an outdated scientific model.



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