RE: Part Four: Mathematics and Physics from Genesis to Revelation

From: Janet Rice (
Date: Fri Feb 09 2001 - 10:31:41 EST

  • Next message: Moorad Alexanian: "Re: Part Four: Mathematics and Physics from Genesis to Revelation"

    John Runge wrote
    >Since Adam was sinless like Jesus, he may have been able to walk on water,
    change the weather with a verbal command, and change water into wine like
    Jesus did in the New Testament.>

    If a lurker may as a question - doesn't this statement appear to be putting
    Adam ( a man) on a par with Jesus (God)? Since man is God's creation, that
    doesn't make sense with what I've always been taught about the relationship
    between God and man, which is most definitely not one of equals before the
    Fall or after.

    Janet Rice

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