Part Four: Mathematics and Physics from Genesis to Revelation

From: Jon Runge (
Date: Fri Feb 09 2001 - 09:58:21 EST

  • Next message: Howard J. Van Till: "Re: Where is man?"

    Re: Mathematics and Physics from Genesis to Revelation



    Four absolutely true and eternal ways of counting can be used in a complete system of logic to represent counting in the Father, in the Son, in the Holy Spirit, and in Adam's original state prior to the Fall. In absolute logic there is no uncertainty (or ambiguity) about these identities for absolute truth.

    Adam's logic prior to the Fall was in harmony with the absolutely complete and consistent logic of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Before the Fall there were three Persons who are absolute living truth (the Father, the Son, and the Spirit of truth). Adam accepted absolute truth, and was in agreement with absolute truth prior to the Fall. His logic represented a fourth, eternally living expression for absolute truth.

    After the Fall truth and logic became relative FOR ADAM because he was separated from God's truth and logic. After the Fall Adam was separated from God by sin and logical confusion. He could no longer "see" the eternal truth of God. The only logic that he could recognize was his own. Adam no longer appreciated that there were four absolute ways for counting in absolute truth, and he fell into the use of fallen logic which uses counting in a relative way without reference to an infinite and eternal God. In fallen logic a arithmetic statement like "1 + 1 = 2" is true or false in only one way.

    Thinking about mathematical logic in absolute truth leads to the resolution of well known paradoxes in mathematics and logic, such as the liar's paradox. It is significant that the inspiration for the liar's paradox is the Cretan's paradox, and that the Cretan's paradox is based on a false interpretation of Titus 1:12, 13. False interpretations of the Word of God are the primary source of logical confusion and uncertainty in mathematical logic. Mathematical inconsistencies and paradoxes in logic which are derived from distortions of the Word of God will be eliminated from mathematics and science when Jesus returns to begin His millennial reign in Jerusalem.

    This completes a simplified description of how the mathematical logic of today's science and mathematics has been affected by the Fall of Adam. Using absolute symmetries in the complex plane for counting in four equivalent ways is a guide to restoring mathematical logic to the pure and uncorrupted state of eternal consistency which Adam knew prior to the Fall. It is proposed that these symmetries are important in understanding the origins of four forces in nature and of four dimensions in space time. These symmetries are also important in understanding an eternal quantum theory of gravity, and in understanding what may be an eternal theory of quarks and of the Higgs boson, for example.


    Einstein makes isolated statements about God which are vaguely attractive in their sense of realism. However, it is important to remember that Einstein's God is not a Person who is absolutely logical, or eternally complete and consistent in his reasoning. Also, Einstein certainly does not seem to have believed in the Trinity. In Einstein's "theology" God is simply the impersonal, material, and relative truth of the scientific method. Since the scientific method is based on human reason, and not on absolute truth, Einstein's "God" is really human reason, or man himself.

    It is ironic that there is so little reference to the logic of the New Testament in discussions about Genesis and the creation of man. Man is a thinking being, and thinking in the divine eternal logic of the New Testament is the only way to truly appreciate what the Book of Genesis is all about. For Christians it should also be clear that knowing the origins of eternal life in Jesus Christ is of much greater significance and reliability than knowing the origins of natural life in Charles Darwin.

    In Eden prior to the Fall Adam in no way resembled the finite, primitive creatures which are commonly referred to as our ancestors. Prior to the Fall Adam had a curiosity and a passion for absolute truth which has perhaps never been matched by any sinful human being. Being in continual fellowship with God (who is truth) also must have made him remarkably intelligent. Since Adam was sinless like Jesus, he may have been able to walk on water, change the weather with a verbal command, and change water into wine like Jesus did in the New Testament.

    It is hard to imagine what human history would have been like without Adam's fall. Absent Adam's fall, it is not inconceivable by now that the human race (without a single recorded death!) would have extended its dominion to the distant stars using methods that our fallen, confused, and sinful culture cannot even imagine. The three or four year old child of such a wise and intelligent race might conceivably walk to a blackboard with a piece of chalk, and make (in a kind and generous way) our most advanced mathematics and physics look like a bad joke.

    To be fair, the scientific evidence in favor of the theory of evolution is formidable. However, animals do not "evolve" into the perfect and sin free state in which Adam was originally created. Evolution is motivated by a constant and ultimately unsuccessful attempt to avoid death. Genesis is about the creation of eternal life in perfect love and reason. Therefore, AT BEST evolution is an incomplete explanation for the origins of man, and it is more accurate to say that the spirit of evolution is deeply in conflict with the Spirit of life and perfect love in Genesis.

    It is also surprising that there is so much resistance among Christians to the idea of Adam's creation from the "dust of the ground". Every Christian believes that he is going to be resurrected (or created again) from the "dust of the ground", or the grave. If God can resurrect a billion (?) Christians, and if He can give each of them a perfect body which will last forever, then the message of the New Testament seems to be this. The "unscientific" and "unevolutionary" creation of the one man Adam from the "dust of the ground" is not beyond God's capabilities.

    This means that it is difficult to see how a Christian can deny a fellow believer's right to interpret Genesis 2:7 in a fairly literal manner. Certainly some of these ideas (Adam walking on water, etc.) are speculative, but literal interpretations of Genesis are heard in churches across this country on any Sunday morning. Christians who believe in an "unscientific" origin for man can have a very intelligent basis for their faith. Their honest faith in God's ability to perform miraculous wonders (which are beyond man's scientific understanding) should be respected, especially by more scientifically inclined brothers in Christ.

    Finally, it is important to remember that it is LOGICALLY INCONSISTENT in absolute truth to take credit for "original" ideas. In absolute logic ANY truth is a gracious gift from a personal God Who redeems sinners. By comparison in relative truth and logic it is usually important to an individual that he be credited for the "discovery" of a "new" and "truthful" idea. Of course, God is not impressed by "new" and "truthful" human "discoveries", which by eternal standards are only temporary in nature.

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