Part Two: Mathematics and Physics from Genesis to Revelation

From: Jon Runge (
Date: Fri Feb 09 2001 - 09:42:13 EST

  • Next message: Jon Runge: "Part Three: Mathematics and Physics from Genesis to Revelation"

    Regarding: Mathematics and Physics from Genesis to Revelation




    Man is a "thinking" being. In thinking about the Fall of Adam, we are thinking using logical processes that Jesus came to repair. We can never appreciate the broken state of human reason BY USING HUMAN REASON because our fallen, sinful logic is ambiguous or uncertain, relative, and incomplete. This means that human reason is absolutely inconsistent, or eternally false.

    The only way that we can reason correctly (or in absolute logic) about our fallen state of reason is by the gift of the Spirit of truth. The Spirit of truth is the Person who reaches out to us to redeem our fallen and sinful logic so that it is restored to its original, infinite, and eternally perfect state. The Spirit of truth works in man by causing fallen sinners to believe in Jesus Christ, who is the divine and living "logos", or logic of God.


    It is not commonly appreciated that Adam's fall can be expressed in the language of mathematics. However, this is obviously so. Mathematical principles of "relativity" and of "uncertainty" are in fact the fruit of fallen, sinful mathematical logic. These principles are mathematical principles which express something about the nature of man's fallen logic.

    This suggests that research on the foundations of mathematical logic involves a struggle with sin, which is the primary consequence of Adam's fall. It is important to acknowledge this. Few mathematicians/physicists believe that the search for truth and knowledge has anything to do with knowing God or with spiritual conflict. More specifically, few mathematicians/physicists believe that the "broken" and uncertain, human state of mathematical logic has anything to do with the rebellion against God which is described in Genesis 3.

    The secular world attaches glory to principles of logic which are false in an absolute sense. Einstein's theory of gravity is a relative theory, and not an absolute one (logically). Quantum mechanics is based on Heisenberg's uncertainty (or ambiguity) principle, and not on a principle of unambiguous logical certainty for quantum measurements and counting.

    Also, number theory and set theory and mathematics in general are subject to the results of Godel's incompleteness "theorem" of 1931. This theorem is false in various respects. Godel is correct in saying that man's mathematical logic is "incomplete", but he is right for the wrong reasons. Godel's theorem also claims that it is impossible to prove that arithmetic is consistent. This is false in a clumsy, and yet bold, way. In Christianity it is obvious (axiomatic?) that human logic is absolutely inconsistent in a mathematical sense because man is separated from eternal truth and logic by LIES and CONFUSION.

    Logical incompleteness in this world's "fallen" mathematics results from various expressions of sin and logical confusion, which can be difficult to disentangle from one another. However, two points of confusion are fairly clear. The FIRST POINT of confusion involves an unrecognized symmetry FOR COUNTING AND MEASURING in four different, and yet equivalent, ways with whole numbers in the complex plane.

    The SECOND POINT of confusion is related to man's sinful insistence on denying the reality of infinite, or eternal, truth. This insistence is obliquely present in Godel's theorem in the notion that some mathematical statements are undecidable, or unprovable. While this is true of man's finite and incomplete logic, it is by no means obvious that Godel's theorem applies to absolute logic in the Spirit of truth. It is not obvious that a "broken" law of the excluded middle in logic applies to the holy logic of God, who is absolute, eternal truth.

    The unrecognized symmetry for counting and measuring arises because there are FOUR UNIQUELY INDIVIDUAL, AND YET EQUIVALENT WAYS of counting and measuring in ABSOLUTE TRUTH in the complex plane. These four ways of counting use real and imaginary integers in positive and negative directions for counting. For example, cats are usually counted as one cat, two cats, three cats, etc. This is an abbreviated way of saying plus one real cat, plus two real cats, plus three real cats, etc.

    However, in absolute mathematical logic it is equally valid to count cats (and anything else!) as

    1. plus one real cat, plus two real cats, etc.
    2. minus one real cat, minus two real cats, etc.
    3. plus one imaginary cat, plus two imaginary cats, etc.
    4. minus one imaginary cat, minus two imaginary cats, etc.

    A neglected symmetry for counting in real and imaginary ways (and in positive and negative directions) means that this world's mathematical logic is incomplete, and ambiguous. This is a key point, and it is related to the change in Adam's logic from before the Fall to after the Fall. In the Fall Adam fell from knowing absolute logic in himself and in the three Persons of the Trinity to knowing only relative logic in himself. In the Fall Adam fell from knowing an unambiguous, complete, infinite, and eternal "four way" logic for counting to knowing an ambiguous, incomplete, finite, and short-lived "one way" logic for counting.

    This is why this world's, "after the Fall", mathematical logic is relative (Einstein's principle) and uncertain (Heisenberg's principle). In the theory of relativity some squared quantities are positive or negative by arbitrary choice or convention, which is to say by RELATIVE agreement. In today's quantum mechanics Heisenberg's uncertainty principle essentially expresses ambiguity and UNCERTAINTY about whether quanta are real or imaginary in an absolute sense. These principles create logical confusion so that "after the Fall" mathematical logic is false in an absolute sense.

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