Re: A YEC apologetic (was "Antediluvian Period")

Date: Thu Feb 08 2001 - 02:38:34 EST

  • Next message: Jon Runge: "MATH: Mathematics and Physics from Genesis to Revelation"

    Vernon wrote:

    << I find no evidence to
     suggest that it was anything less than a wholehearted acceptance of His
     Being and Sovereignty, accompanied by a ready obedience to do His will.
     Is it really conceivable that such a God would have the Apostle Paul
     instruct Timothy thus, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God,
     and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for
     instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect,
     thoroughly furnished unto all good works." (2Tim.3:16,17), if this were
     untrue? For me, this one verse ratifies the whole of the Bible and
     vindicates the YEC position. Those who wilfully ignore such a clear
     message - or seek to 'interpret' it to their own advantage - are merely
     providing further confirmation (as if any more were needed) of man's
     sorry condition. On the other hand, if we believe it to be true, we are
     on a collision course with modern ideas concerning origins. >>

    Your interpretation of 2Tim 3:16 is not a straight forward reading of the
    text. Look for yourself. You are reading into the text an idea which is not
    there. The text says the inspiration of Scripture has a purpose, namely,
    "that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good
    works." The verse says absolutely nothing about science. In fact, scientific
    knowledge is irrelevant to its purpose. People with all sorts of different
    scientific views have been and will continue to be men of God.

    Did the living Word of God while on earth indicate in any way whatsoever that
    people with incorrect views of science could not become men of God? Did he
    ever attempt in any way whatsoever to correct the mistaken scientific views
    of his own day? Did he or any apostle ever attempt to use the Scriptures to
    correct the scientific views of their own day? They showed no such interest.

    The Scriptures reveal that God created and controls the universe; but, no
    Scripture teaches that biblical revelation is not accommodated to the science
    of the day. No Scripture even implies that biblical revelation is not
    accommodated to the science of the day. Science qua science lies outside of
    the purview of 2Tim 3:16. Reading in the doctrine that inspiration guarantees
    that the science in the Bible is God's view and not an accommodation to the
    science of the day is ADDING a human tradition to the Word of God.

    Using the Bible to find scientific truth as such is a misuse of the Word of
    God. God never intended for it to be used that way; and, whenever the Church
    has used the Bible in that way--whether with Augustine to show that the stars
    were as small as they appear or with Luther against Copernicus or with any
    other Church leader who has done this, it has brought disgrace to the Church,
    to the Bible, and to the name of Christ. The deep-seated sinfulness of man is
    seen clearly in the practice of YEC's as they know this sad history of the
    Church and yet insist on repeating it---until irrevocable damage has been
    done to the cause of Christ. And, what will _you_tell your Lord?


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