GSA statement on evolution and creation

From: bivalve (
Date: Wed Feb 07 2001 - 10:19:32 EST

  • Next message: Kerry Schutt: "Biology and Purpose seminar update"

    The Geological Society of America is working on a statement on evolution and creation. They are taking comments up through the beginning of March. The web site has a section dealing with the topic and a contact email for comments, although I did not find a draft or the like to help focus the comments. is the home page. A hot topics section includes evolution.

        Dr. David Campbell
        "Old Seashells"
        Biology Department
        Saint Mary's College of Maryland
        18952 E. Fisher Road
        St. Mary's City, MD 20686-3001 USA, 301 862-0372 Fax: 301 862-0996
    "Mollusks murmured 'Morning!'. And salmon chanted 'Evening!'."-Frank Muir, Oh My Word!

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