>>Why am I not surprised to see your reply?
> And what is this comment about? Should a person sit idly by while others
> critize his ideas? I won't. Maybe you will, but then I see that you didn't
> sit still for the same treatment because you replied when I criticized your
> position. Should I make the same comment about you?
Relax, Glenn. That was merely a light-hearted rhetorical question. Have we
come to the sad point where the ;) sign must be included at every such
> Or maybe I should note that at the Nature of Nature conference you actually
> encouraged me to continue looking along the lines I am. Maybe your comment
> surprised me in light of your statement to me face to face! If my approach
> has no merit as you suggest, then you were entirely wrong to say anything
> nice about the approach.
As I recall, my encouragement to you then was the same as that given at the
end of my last post:
>>5. Becoming better informed about the formational history of modern humans
>>is a worthy enterprise. You are well justified, Glenn, to ask the Christian
>>community to become more aware of what is known about this.
At one point you concluded:
> The problem is in the nature of inspiration.
Right on, Glenn. That is precisely the issue. You and I operate with
substantially different concepts of divine inspiration and, consequently,
what constitute appropriate expectations and uses of the biblical text.
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