Re: Adam never met Eve

From: Dick Fischer (
Date: Sat Nov 11 2000 - 14:23:15 EST

  • Next message: glenn morton: "RE: To Glenn again"

    George Murphy wrote:

    >I would like to see a citation from a recognized philologist with competence
    >in these languages to the effect that "Erech" or "Uruk" is derived from
    >"Enoch" - but I won't hold my breath. It reminds me of the claim of the
    >apocryphal British Israelite claim that MacDonald is derived from Moses:
    >drop the oses and add acDonald.

    Originally, George, I come from Kansas City. When I tell people that,
    they say, "Oh, you are from Kansas." When I attended college at the
    of Missouri (pronounced Mizzourah) none of my fellow class mates ever made
    that mistake.

    Actually, Kansas City, Missouri is more complicated than that. Going north
    over the river takes you through North Kansas City, a separate city
    completely, to
    Kansas City North, which puts you back in Kansas City again! Doesn't confuse
    us a bit, but to those of you unfamiliar, I can imagine it might.

    Now, you don't wish to sit at a desk for two solid years in the Library of
    researching all this stuff, as I did. You would rather sit at your
    computer and carp.
    It's easier. I understand that.

    So, for your edification and illumination, here are three paragraphs of my
    complete with references:

    Naming the city "Enoch" may seem like an unnecessary addendum, a bit of Bible
    trivia, but it is not without significance. According to the Sumerians,
    resumed at Kish after the flood. Twenty-three kings ruled there until,
    "Kish was
    smitten with weapons; its kingship to E-Anna(k) was carried." 1 In The
    Makers of
    Civilization, Waddell translated E-Anna(k) directly as "Enoch," reckoning
    it as the
    Sumerian equivalent for Enoch, the city built by Cain. 2

    Although the flood erased early inhabitants, at least some of the pre-flood
    were rebuilt. It was at Enoch that Mes-kiag-gasher became high priest and
    and reigned 324 years. 3 His son, Enmerkar, built or continued building Uruk
    located virtually across the street. Uruk is the biblical Erech, part of
    kingdom (Gen. 10:10). Enoch or "E-Anna(k)" (translated "the House of Heaven")
    is the oldest preserved temple near Uruk, and was supposedly the dwelling
    of the goddess Inanna, the Accadian "Ishtar." 4

    E-Anna(k), now called "Eanna" by archaeologists, has been excavated. A deep
    sounding was made in the Eanna precinct at Warka in 1931-32. The pottery was
    identified as Ubaid from level 18 up to level 14. It transitioned to the
    Uruk period by
    level 10. From Woolley's analysis, the pottery from the earliest period he
    found at
    Ur, that he called "Al 'Ubaid I," was unrepresented at Warka, 5
    demonstrating that
    both Ur and Eridu were established before E-Anna(k). And, of course, Adam's
    Eden would have been older than Enoch, the city Cain built.

    Here is an aside from Jacobsen I did not include in the book. It is an
    following the lines, "Kish was smitten with weapons; its kingship was
    carried to

    "As first pointed out by Poebel (PBS IV 1, p. 115), the phrase presupposes
    only the temple precinct E-Anna(k) existed at the time. The city Uruk was
    under En-me(r)-kar."

    Further in the Sumerian king list it says, "Enme(r)-kar, son of
    king of Uruk, the one who built Uruk, became king." By the way, the fourth
    named at Uruk was the fabled Gilgamesh.

    1. Thorkild Jacobsen, The Sumerian King List (Chicago: The University of
    Chicago Press, 1939), 85.

    2. L. A. Waddell, The Makers of Civilization (New Delhi: S. Chand, 1968), 62.
    Jacobsen, The Sumerian King List, 85.

    3. Jacobsen, The Sumerian King List, 85.

    4. Samuel Noah Kramer, From the Poetry of Sumer (Berkeley: University of
    California Press, 1979), 174.

    5. Seton Lloyd, "Ur-Al `Ubaid, Uquair and Eridu," Iraq, n.s., 22 (1960), 24.

    Dick Fischer - The Origins Solution -
    "The answer we should have known about 150 years ago."

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