RE: Adam never met Eve

From: Dick Fischer (
Date: Tue Nov 07 2000 - 10:59:15 EST

  • Next message: Howard J. Van Till: "On the Flood Narratives"

    Glenn Morton wrote:

    >All these events left evidence of themselves, but the Mesopotamian flood
    >left no evidence yet we want to say it is true. Why? So that we can have a
    >kernal of truth in the flood story. But the lack of such evidence leaves us
    >with nothing.

    I fear that mist and rain in Scotland has addled your brain a bit. Let me
    you, if you don't mind. Utnapishtim in the eleventh tablet of Gilgamesh
    was the
    one who built a boat, loaded it with animals, and yada, yada, yada. He
    lived in
    Shuruppak and mentions that. The Sumerian king lists end either with Ubartutu
    (probably Methuselah) or Ziusudra, who built a boat, and more yada ... Both
    Ubartutu and Ziusudra are listed at Shuruppak.

    Shuruppak was excavated and a clay layer was found and dated by
    archaeologists at about 2900 BC. After the king lists end with either
    or Ziusudra they say: "Then the flood swept thereover. After the flood swept
    thereover, kingship was restored in Kish."

    Langdon and Watelin excavated Kish in 1928-29. They dated the bottom layer
    which amounted to about one foot in thickness to 3300 BC. The thickest layer
    at Kish was at a higher level, and assigned a similar date to a thinner layer
    found at Ur - 2700 BC.

    Nimrod was king in Erech, the Sumerian Uruk. Uruk was excavated, and a clay
    layer there was also dated between 2900 and 2800 BC. A clay layer was found
    at Lagash dated to 2900 BC.

    You have complained that the boat would have been swept in a torrent down to
    the Persian Gulf, yet Mesopotamia is flat. Archaeologists have been caught in
    flash floods, and the water just rises and sits there. You have moaned
    that a year
    is too long for the flood to have lasted, but name any flood that could
    have lasted a
    year and would have required a boat.

    No boat would have been necessary for man or animals in the filing of the
    Mediterranian or Black Sea. They all could have walked out at a leisurely
    stroll. There are no mountains or hills for the boat to rest on, it would have
    just washed up on the beach at no higher than sea level.

    In short, the cities mentioned in Sumerian texts and excavated by
    bear the physical evidence of a massive flood. The biblical flood WAS the
    Mesopotamian flood, pure and simple - deal with it.

    Dick Fischer - The Origins Solution -
    "The answer we should have known about 150 years ago."

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