ideas for science and religion course

From: Dungey, Keenan (
Date: Sat Oct 14 2000 - 11:13:58 EDT

  • Next message: John Burgeson: "asa-digest V1 #1828"

    I got Terry's message, so the list-serve must be working. Here's a question
    that might generate some activity.

    I'm just starting a tenure track position in chemistry at the University of
    Illinois at Springfield. Besides teaching chemistry, I have the opportunity
    to develop courses with a broader appeal, specifically in liberal arts or
    public affairs. I've indicated to my department that I'd like to do a
    course in science and religion and they seem open to it. I have until the
    end of the month to submit a formal course proposal for review by the
    curriculum committee. And I need help.

    My questions for you are:
    1) What texts have you found useful in this area that are not specifically
    2) What are some public institutions that offer such a course?
    And if you've taught such a course and are willing to share your syllabus,
    I'd appreciate it.

    At my campus there are some very liberal faculty in charge of committees, so
    I may have a hard sell. I want to present a well thought out course which
    is not biased toward the Christian perspective (not too much--of course,
    that is my perspective). I may decide that I can't do it well enough this
    year and try again next year. However, I want it to be for the right
    reasons, not that I chickened out.

    Thanks for any help you can offer,

    Dr. Keenan Dungey
    Chemistry Program, HSB 312
    University of Illinois at Springfield
    P.O.Box 19243
    Springfield, IL 62794-9243

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