
From: John Burgeson (
Date: Fri Oct 06 2000 - 11:25:26 EDT

  • Next message: george murphy: "Re: Evolution scores vs SAT scores. What else would you expect?"

    As many of you know, OMPHALOS, first published in 1857, written by Phillip
    Gosse, and generally unavailable for the past 140 or so years, has been
    republished by the Ox Bow Press. ISBN 1-881987-10-8.

    I was able to get a 2nd or 3rd generation photocopy of the original
    printing from the Gordon-Cromwell library about 15 years ago and
    made a photocopy of that photocopy. Fascinating reading. In case
    you are not familiar with it, it presents a completely tight case for the
    YEC position, one that CANNOT be refuted.

    (No -- I am not a YEC myself).

    What may be interesting is that when I was interacting with Gish, Morris,
    et al
    some 10 or so years ago, I asked them on several occasions to comment on
    the book.
    They never had anything to say at all.

    I have a memory which tells me Gosse, after the publication of
    Darwin's book in 1859, bought up as many copies
    of OMPHALOS as he could with the aim of eradicating it altogether
    from the world's libraries. Is this so? Can anyone point me to a source
    for this story?


    Good to have you back with us, Glenn!


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