Re: CNN on Oil

From: Brent Foster (
Date: Sat Sep 30 2000 - 12:51:44 EDT

  • Next message: glenn morton: "Re: CNN on Oil"

    I've been following this thread, although I don't have much time to give much input. But I have raised the topic in friendly discussions with my Christian friends, and non-Christian friends (mostly geologists). Invariably people look at me like I'm some kind of raving, chidken little crackpot. I guess until the press decides this will be an issue, it won't be.


    --- "glenn morton" <>
    > wrote:
    >I just saw a CNN report (via web cast) that talked about the imminent peak
    >in the oil production. Basically they said what we have been pointing out
    >since June. The peak is expected to occur within the next 15 years. Exactly
    >when depends upon who does the estimating.
    >I was actually surprised that this issue has already made it to CNN.
    >Normally reporters sleep at the switch until it is too late.
    >for lots of creation/evolution information

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