Re: Comment

Date: Thu Aug 10 2000 - 04:33:22 EDT

  • Next message: Diane Roy: "Re: Heat Problem?"


    I have been out of touch, attending the ASA 2000 Annual meeting in Gordon
    College, Wenham, MA. The meeting was very satisfying. You would feel at
    home with the ASA group. I invite you to join.

    Thanks for the kind words you wrote back on July 27. I appreciate them.

    Actually, I am not completely ID. I see myself rather as a hybrid, a mixture
    of roughly one-fourth ID, one-fourth microevolution, and one half phyletic
    development. The last is my primary orientation. All three positions can be
    supported empirically. I cut my teeth on interdisciplinary approach to human
    development in grad school; and I have stayed with the method ever since. I
    suppose we all are interdisciplinarians, some more, some less.

    I presented a paper at the ASA meeting that describes my position pretty
    well, and I would like to send you a copy of an enlarged version of it, if
    you are interested.

    I feel close to you.




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