Re: heat problem

From: Diane Roy (
Date: Sat Aug 05 2000 - 22:50:40 EDT

  • Next message: David Campbell: "Re: heat problem"

      From: glenn morton
      GRM: The only
      comment I would have is that if one must constantly have faith that the
      future will solve the worst problems, then maybe one should look for
      another solution.

      AR: I do not think that this is one of the worst problems, just another one to be solved. This is hardly a reason to jump ship.

      ARM: But this is not what we see. The Anadarko basin of Oklahoma is filled with
      around 40-60,000 feet of sediment and it is far from the ocean. The
      Williston basin I speak of on my web page has 15,000 feet of sediment and
      it is even further from the ocean. Yet some areas of the North sea, which
      is near the ocean have only 5000 feet or less of sediment. Northern Canada
      has no sediment in spite of being near the arctic ocean (and yes there are
      meteor craters there).

      AR: I don't think you paid enough attention to what I wrote. I said that most erosion and deposition would occure on the continents and little would happen in the oceans. (But, that most of the deposition which would happen in the oceans would be close to the continents.) Nor was I saying that one would expect to find the same thing all over the continents. Thick sediments in one place and bare bed rock in others is entirely possible.

    >To get salt deposition on the continent, one need special circumstances.
    >Just what those are at this point, I don't know. But, I feel certain an
    >explanation will be found.

      GRM: Like I said, I appreciate the honesty here. Can you explain why salt would
      have windblown pollen in it but not any other fossils? The oldearth view
      explains it very well--it was a desert with little life. The flood can't
      explain why no other fossils are found in salt.

      AR: I'd say, rather, that a catastrophic explantion has not yet been formulated, not that it is impossible to be explained.

      GRM: Wait a minute, I thought those big tsunamis were supposed to crash on
      shore. Surely that would mix things up a bit. Or are these tranquil tsunamis?

      AR: Again, you are not paying attention. Yes, near shore there would be immense mixing of the water. I made the specific point that these fresh water layers were most likely to survive in the deep oceans away from the continents.

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