Re: heat problem

From: Diane Roy (
Date: Fri Aug 04 2000 - 01:37:40 EDT

  • Next message: glenn morton: "Re: heat problem"

    From: glenn morton
    GRM: You can't ignore the fact that the salt found sandwiched in the
    sedimentary rocks MUST have come from the flood waters if your theory is

    AR: I admit that salt in the sedimentary rocks is problematic for
    Creationary catastrophists at this point. However, that is no reason to
    jump ship yet. I expect that explantions will be forth coming. ( I realize
    that you are extremly skeptical)

    GRM: It wasn't totally homogenous, but salt, as you might have observed, is
    soluble in water. IF the salt found in the sedimentary column every touched
    the flood waters, it would dissolve. And you are being inconsistent here.
    Those who believe in the global flood talk about how destructive and
    erosive the initial stages were, how they eroded the continents to nubbins
    yet here you don't want the flood to have eroded and added the salt to the
    water's salinity. You can't have it both ways Allen.

    AR: The erosion of continents and deposition would only occurr on the
    continents, because the tsunami pass over the deep ocean with out much
    effect. It is only when the waves "feel" bottom that they build up into
    monsters that crash ashore stripping the shallow sea and coastal low lands.
    As the wave begins it's run-up on the land it continually looses energy.
    Finally it slows to a stop, then it slowly begins to retreat. Deposition
    will occurr the whole time it looses energy and during run off, only when
    the wave reaches a high enough speed will it begin to strip of part of its
    former deposition. The net result is that large deposition is made on the
    land. If a wave is big enough so that is completely passes over the land
    and enters the ocean again it will quickly loose its energy as the bottom
    dropps away. Deposition will occure primarily close to the shoreline or the
    edge of the continent. Thus, there will lots of erosion and deposition on
    the continents, but not much deposition (mostly fines) in the deep oceans.

    To get salt deposition on the continent, one need special circumstances.
    Just what those are at this point, I don't know. But, I feel certain an
    explanation will be found.

    >AR: I have been surfing during rain storms off Ala Moana where the
    surface of
    >ocean disappears under 6 to 8 inches of continual splash. After 10 to 20
    >minutes the surface is covered with a layer of fresh water you can drink
    by >just putting your face in the water. The fresh water layer stays in
    place for >a another 30 to 40 minutes. There were rains for 150 days
    during the the >Flood which could leave a layer of fresh water continually
    on the surface of >the flood waters.

    GRM: In order for this to occur the waters must remain tranquil. If the
    were tranquil, they couldn't have eroded the vast sedimentary deposits of
    the world. Are you a believer in a tranquil flood?

    AR: The ocean was covered by at least an inch of fresh water. In the
    breaking surf zone the water was mixed fairly quickly because the layer was
    so thin. If we postulate that the rains put 1 inch of water on the oceans
    every 20 minutes that would mean up to 6 feet of fresh water every 24 hours
    and a total of 900 feet of fresh water after 150 days. This much deeper and
    continually fed layer of fresh water would be harder to mix into ocean and
    the mixing that takes place would still leave the water close to the surface
    with a very low salt content. The surface wate would not be affected much
    by the impact-tsunami because they pass over deep water with little effect.
    In the deep ocean, wind waves would be the primary mixing factor. In fact,
    only those breakers which are within a few feet in hight related to the
    depth of the fresh water would have a mixing effect. The small waves would
    not reach deep enough, and the large waves would simply raise and lower the
    whole close surface water. So, the fresh water layer could be kept largely
    intact in the deep ocean reagions of the planet during the Flood.

    GRM: Henry Morris wouldn't like you if you are.

    AR: I was a creationary catastrophist long before I ever heard of Henry.

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