Re: Heat Problem?

From: David Campbell (
Date: Thu Aug 03 2000 - 13:35:20 EDT

  • Next message: James W Stark: "Re: Common ancestry and Scientific Classification"

    > Gen. 8:5 records the mountains first appearing above the water on the first
    > day of the tenth month. If Everest formed during the Flood, it was covered
    > until then if this verse refers to global conditions.
    > AR: We need to remember that the story we have was edited together by Moses
    >from Shem, Ham and Japeth's accounts. They were not omnipresent, the best
    >they could do is look out their window. So the first mountains they could see
    >is those near by. What was happening elsewhere they could not know.

    How do they know that the Flood was global, then?

    > Catastrophic plate tectonics would add an enormous amount of additional
    > heat to dispose of, from both friction and the heat generated by the
    > propelling mechanism (second law of thermodynamics).
    > AR: This is the claim. Where are the figures to back it up? I have yet to
    >see any. What are the assumptions?

    The assumptions are that the laws of physics are in effect. I don't know
    the exact amounts, only that multiplying the current amount of energy
    released by earthquakes, volcanoes, and other geologic activity with few cm
    per year plate tectonics into 45 mile per hour plate tectonics will not
    make the planet hospitable. You're the one defending the model requiring
    such events and I am a paleontologist trying to pack up and move.

    > AR: What Woodmorappe provides are feasibility studies which show that things
    >are not impossible.

    What I provided are flaws with his claims. Repeating them does not make
    them better. Try putting an echinoderm in 20 ppt salinity water that is
    being stirred full of sediment by enormous tsunamis from 300 meteor impacts
    and continents colliding at 45 mph and see how it is doing after one year.
    For example, check on the tsunami brecchias recently recognized in the
    Hawaiian islands. The south end of the main island is currently set to
    fall off. A similar-sized chunk of rock coming in from space rather than
    starting at rest near sea level will do a lot more; Chixulub is currently
    being suspected of causing collapse of much of the shelf edge along the
    eastern margin of North America.

    David C.

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