Flood Models

From: Adam Crowl (adam@crowl.webcentral.com.au)
Date: Tue Aug 01 2000 - 20:54:05 EDT

  • Next message: glenn morton: "Meteor Program"

    Hi ASA

    The never-ending debate with Allan Roy has been interesting to follow,
    especially his adamantine refusal to provide some valid modelling of his
    more dubious claims. I was wondering what other models Allan has explored
    and whether he can give us some good reasons for thinking that most
    terrestrial geological change happened in just one year.

    Barry Setterfield's rather elaborate Creation/Catastrophe model provides a
    bit more time for things like bioturbation, dinosaur footprints, other
    vertebrate and insect footprints/traces, tunnel traces, dune-fields and so
    forth. He proposes that atomic-time and orbital time are quite distinct and
    so the geological ages [as defined by relative dating] are real, but not as
    long as previously believed [as measured by radioactive decay.] He dates
    geological history to a span of just ~ 3,000 years or so, with post-Cambrian
    geology occurring between c. 3536 BC to c.2600 BC. The Flood, in his view,
    merely stripped off much of the pre-Diluvial veneer and provided sediments
    for the subsequent span of geo-history, shaped by the effects of two other
    catastrophes - the Babel "catastrophe" and the Peleg "catastrophe", which
    were in turn followed by the Oard Ice Age.

    Joachim Scheven and the European Creationists define the Ages of Geology as

    Palaeozoic [except late-Carboniferous/Permian]=Flood;
    Carboniferous=immediately post-Flood [floating forests dumped in erosional
    grooves from the Flood];
    Permian&Mesozoic, until Peleg's day [using MT about 130 years?];
    Peleg's time=continental drift into current positions [approximately ~ 240
    post-Peleg until Abram, Oard Ice Age.

    So there's a few options. Certainly more room for asteroid activity and so
    forth, but the fine-scale stratigraphic record of micro-fossils makes it
    hard to believe in my book. Also with 140 impactors [at least] to account
    for and immense amounts of flood basalts I just wonder how inhabitable Earth
    could be during this period of catastrophe. Tunguska scale atmospheric
    detonations would be almost daily over the planet - forests must've re-grew

     However reading Setterfield making fun of "all in one year" types is rather
    amusing. Pot calling the kettle black... :o)


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