Wendee wrote:
>First I wanted to thank you who posted info about the various Noah's ark
info >on Wyatt's interpretations/studies. Thanks! Very helpful :)
>Second, in the Dembski article I critiqued, he mentions "According to a
Gallop >[SIC] poll close to 50% of Americans are creationists of a stricter
sort, >thinking that
>God specially created human beings; another 40% believe in some form of
God->guided evolution; and only 9% are full-blooded Darwinists. It's this
9%, >however,
>that controls the academy."
>Does anyone know where I can find the specifics of this poll? Online
somewhere? >I want to know the official term used for what Dembski calls
>Darwinist." I am sure that is not what the Gallup poll actually used.
>What do you think of his statement that the 9% controls the academy! Where
does >he get the basis for this statement? Yes, indeed I will ask him when
I get to
>emailing him.
I find this gratuitous on Dembski's part. I believe that God specifically
created man, but I also believe in evolution and that man's body was
evolved to a point. Thus I fall in the 50%. Most catholics who believe that
God inserted the soul in an anthropoid also fall in the 50%. What he is
trying to do is to distort the numbers so it appears as if only atheists
are in control of the academy. Yet Dembski himself in his more popular
level book, says clearly that he doesn't believe that God created via
evolution. At the very least this means that he wants to over rule more
than 50% of the people. How do I figure that? 49% believe in God guided
evolution. and then there are people like me who believe both in evolution
and the special creation of man. Surely we make up at least 2% of the
population giving evolutionists the majority.
Foundation, Fall and Flood
Adam, Apes and Anthropology
Lots of information on creation/evolution
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