Simplified living

From: David Campbell (
Date: Wed Jul 19 2000 - 13:10:36 EDT

  • Next message: Bryan R. Cross: "Re: natural selection in salvation history"

    The most recent Smithsonian magazine has an article somewhat relevant to
    this issue. It features a farm that, by going smaller scale and mixing
    products rather than monoculture, avoids many of the environmental problems
    of conventional commercial agriculture (avoiding need for pesticides,
    getting animals to do work instead of machines, etc.). Passing mention of
    the operators' faith is also present in the article. However, it also
    acknowledges that a lot of work is involved in developing the right system
    for a given environment and adapting existing farms accordingly, and it
    notes that scaling it up much farther may not be feasible.

    David C.

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