Re: critique this...

From: Doug Hayworth (
Date: Fri Jul 14 2000 - 13:29:12 EDT

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: history of scientific method"

    At 11:55 AM 7/14/00 -0500, you wrote:
    >Can anyone offer feedback on the following statement:
    > > evolutionary theory has little proven
    > >relevance to the actual day-to-conduct conduct of modern science.

    Wendee (and others):

    May I recommend for your reading the document called "Evolution, Science,
    and Society" which is available at the American Society of Naturalists
    website ( The document was prepared, with input from the
    public, as a cooperative effort by several biological societies concerned
    with evolutionary biology. As much as possible, it represents a consensus
    of evolutionary biologists' views on evolution, including how it is
    studied, how it contributes to society, and how it contributes to basic
    science. I believe the document (which may be downloaded or ordered as a
    booklet - perhaps good for class reading) address the range of issues
    relating to your question.

    Doug Hayworth

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