Re: A Living Enigma

Date: Sun Jul 09 2000 - 19:48:12 EDT

  • Next message: Diane Roy: "Re: Flood"

    Vernon Jenkins wrote:

    << I am advised by the composer
     A.M.Sauerwein (Duke University) that while Bach was an avid champion of
     'well-tempered' tuning - as evidenced by his two sets of 24 keyboard
     Preludes and Fugues covering the whole range of major and minor keys -
     'equal temperament', as it is now understood, was a later development.
     I am indebted to him for drawing my attention to this matter. >>

    I think it was Dave C. (on the subject of Metaphysical naturalism vs.
    naturalism) who mentioned that we are taught by people who think they are
    us what is true, and we accept it as fact.

    Indeed, I was also taught that the "well tempered" clavier == "equal
    tempered" clavier.
    I'm a scientist now, so the number of musicians that I propagate these
    to will be small, but I do serve in the music ministry at my church, so I
    will be
    a little more careful. I've told this very same thing to many people.....

    On the other hand, most 20th century music (not just Hindemith, Ives etc.,
    even contemporary worship music built on the traditional triads) has been
    constructed via equal tempered tuning for the most part.

    by Grace we do proceed,

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