Re: Johnson and intelligent design

Date: Tue Jul 04 2000 - 19:51:58 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Johnson and intelligent design"

    Allan Harvey wrote:

    << Once you let God-of-the-Gaps theology in,
    it eats up everything :-) >>

    Just a note here: Ted Peters refers to ID as more of a
    "God of the Gaps" strategy. It's rather informative
    article which can be found at:

    for those of you severely pressed for time, this a central point....
    MN = Methodological Naturalism
    GG = God of the Gaps
    ID = well ok..... Intel Designed

    "It is important to distinguish between a GG theology and a GG strategy.
    As we noted above, advocates of ID believe that God is active always and
    everywhere in a variety of ways, including (for the most part) working
    through natural processes. It is both inaccurate and unfair to call this a
    GG theology 'which is in my view a form of deism' imply because they
    believe that God sometimes acts in ways that cannot be described
    naturalistically. On the other hand, they believe that such extraordinary
    divine activity must be postulated as a scientific explanation to account
    for certain phenomena when MN fails, and that the failure of MN itself
    provides one of the strongest arguments available for the existence of
    God. This is, in my opinion, properly described as a GG strategy, though it
    is not based on a GG theology. "

    it is righteousness by Faith, not works
    by Grace alone do we proceed,

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