Re: intelligent design

Date: Mon Jul 03 2000 - 19:51:06 EDT

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: Misc points about Re: intelligent design"

    Bob Dehaan wrote:

    I provided a bunch of quotations to the contrary.
    Whether the person making the quotations are
    qualified to do so or not, the fact is that many
    evolutionists have published statements that
    Darwinian evolution is directionless and purposeless.

    However, when (for example) Dawkins says how
    Christians are supposed to understand their Bible,
    can anyone really be credulous enough to think that
    is based upon a careful study of the ancient texts?
    Granted, the public is gullible to any so and so
    who claims a Ph.D in whatever. Maybe what the public
    needs is a lot more lessons in critical thinking.

    This claim, however, not just a philosphically-based
    claim. It is also a scientifically justifiable one.
    If natural selection is demonstrated empirically only
    to enhance immediate adaptation to the environment,
    then it is a necessary inference that it has no long
    range direction as to where this immediate adaptation
    will lead. This is a scientific inference, not just
    a philosophical or theological one.

    Whatever science says about the universe, how can we ever
    be completely certain that it is "purposeless"? Atheism is a faith,
    just as is belief in God.

    It is my observation that scientific study is a *humbling*

    So first, I would say that, unless the authors were specifically
    addressing fellow atheists about their atheism, their gratuitous
    opinions which they inserted into there *scientific*
    writings were inappropriate and evidence of poor style at best.
    Second, good science always gives us a good dousing of cold water
    if we become a little too inebriated with our own success. It is
    better to think a little bit on that before writing carelessly.
    by Grace alone do we proceed.

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