Re: intelligent design

From: David Campbell (
Date: Fri Jun 30 2000 - 15:33:28 EDT

  • Next message: Joel Cannon: "Re: intelligent design"

    > Dawkins writes, "Darwin made it possible
    >to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist." If Darwinism requires intelligent
    >direction, then Dawkins couldn't make that statement.

    This assumes that Dawkins is a reliable source. Darwin provided a natural
    explanation for a potentially vexing physical question, but there were
    plenty of smart atheists before then. Conversely, other issues remained
    unexplained. Also, neither Darwin nor Wallace were truly atheists, and a
    prior proposal of natural selection was clearly theistic.

    From a Christian viewpoint, wisdom and fulfillment would be defined
    differently. The fool say in his heart "There is no God"; apart from Him,
    intellect is mere knowledge whereas through Him we can approach what we
    ought to be in our intellect and everything else.

    David C.

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