Looking for info - polystrate trees

From: R. Joel Duff (rjduff@uakron.edu)
Date: Fri Jun 30 2000 - 10:51:47 EDT

  • Next message: David Campbell: "Re: Macro/micro and common ancestry"

    I'm looking for some info on polystrate trees in Australia. Apparently in
    an ICR "Back to Genesis" video it is claimed that in some locations in
    Australia there are fossilized trees that go from one coal seam up through
    sandstone and then penetrate another seem. Actually the claim (not
    directly quoted from the video) is made that "One he pointed out had been
    reported by a Geologist near the turn of the century as penetrating through
    dozens of feet of sandstone and through still another much higher coal seam
    above." I guess the others don't go through multiple seams but are
    implied there might be others. I know all about Joggins etc.. but don't
    know anything about these claims from Australia. Anyone know of any
    literature on these coal beds. I notice that "Impact" No. 316 on the
    Joggins polystrate trees mentions that there are many other places around
    the world where trees do this but none are specifically mentioned. Any
    help would be appreciated.
    Joel Duff

    Dr. R. Joel Duff, Assistant Professor
    Dept. of Biology, ASEC 185
    Campus Mail 3908
    University of Akron
    Akron, OH 44325-3908
    Office: 330-972-6077
    e-mail: rjduff@uakron.edu

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