Re: What do you do?

Date: Tue Jun 13 2000 - 11:40:01 EDT

  • Next message: Bill Payne: "Re: genesis of the rainbow"

    Dear List,

    I'm looking for a good book describing a Christian alternative to YEC.

    After reading Darryl Maddox's article in the News & Views from the Dec
    PSCF (What Do You Do?), I've become convicted that I should continue my
    conversation with the YEC faculty at Bob Jones U. Following a long
    conversation over a year ago with my counterpart in their chemistry
    department, he sent me a copy of Ken Ham's book, "The Lie." I glanced at
    it and thought it was too populist and not technical enough for me, and so
    I didn't read it. Now, I'm willing to read it as a good faith effort to
    continue the conversation, if I can send him a book to read.

    I've read Rober Fischer's "God Did It, But How?' and van Till et al
    "Science Held Hostage," but those aren't quite what I'm thinking of. Is
    there a more technical, theological, updated book like "Science Held

    Thanks for any recommendations.


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