Re: Methane in the late Archean

From: George Murphy (
Date: Sat Jun 10 2000 - 11:06:34 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: quote query"

    glenn morton wrote:

    > You may have the last word.

            Our basic difference continues to be that your insistence on reading all of the
    narratives in Scriptural as accurate history. That seems to me to be an imposition of
    _a priori_ interpretation of Scripture which will not allow the texts to speak for
            2 perhaps related points:
            1) I hope you don't have to get involved with criminal law in Scotland but
    you'll find that "guilty" and "not guilty" are not the only possible verdicts. Under
    Scots law a jury can also return a verdict of "not proven." Perhaps this is a parable.
            2) Apropos the whole question of historical accuracy, the American public has
    only hazy ideas of history & it's likely to get worse. I saw the movie "Gladiator"
    yesterday. It was pretty good as entertainment (albeit very violent) but its few points
    of real history were only for the purpose of completely rewriting what really happened
    with the emperors Marcus Aurelius & Commodus. & this is likely to have far greater
    influence than anything accurate information people will get about the Roman Empire in

    George L. Murphy

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