Re: Methane in the late Archean

Date: Fri Jun 09 2000 - 00:12:19 EDT

  • Next message: glenn morton: "Re: Methane in the late Archean"

    Hi Adam

    In a message dated 06/07/2000 1:59:52 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

    << So how did the Ancients imagine the firmament? The impression I have is
     they conceived of rainwaters being above it in some sort of reservoir. >>

    Correct. In later rabbinic writings, the clouds are said to rise to the
    firmament to get filled with water. they then travel over the earth and dump
    rain. Note the "water skins" of Job 38:37

    <<"Out of the North" is frequently used to described the direction of the
    Sun's rising AFAIK... so "north" doesn't mean our North.>>

    I never was good with these email abreviations. What is AFAIK?


    Evangelicals have been sold an over-emphasis upon the God of Truth. It is
    not that He is not a God of Truth; but that He is also a Father; and that He
    has understanding and plans beyond our ability to completely understand.
    And, his revelation's medium, the Bible, is not flawed. It was perfect for
    the people to whom it was originally given. If we do not allow for less than
    perfection (from an adult point of view) at the kindergarten level, we will
    jeopardize if not eliminate primary education. Even in studying languages,
    you learn things the first year for simplicity's sake that must be discarded
    the second year because (to be hard-nosed about it) they are false--at least
    I recall that happening with Hebrew and Greek. One of the great lessons,
    IMO, we can draw from the cultural rootedness which gives us the supposed
    "imperfection" of Scripture is that God is willing to speak to us right where
    we are. It increases my faith in the loving heart of the living God to
    communicate with me.

    Best wishes,


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