Moving to Aberdeen

From: glenn morton (
Date: Tue Jun 06 2000 - 14:49:20 EDT

  • Next message: Mal Veitch: "Re: Way OT: ideas / suggestions?"

    Since it was finally announced today at my company, I can now tell everyone
    that I have accepted a new position in Aberdeen, Scotland as manager of
    geophysics for the North Sea. My wife and I will be moving sometime this
    summer and it will mean big changes in our lives. I can't take my library
    with me due to weight restrictions on moving so I will not have access to
    my personal library for the next 3-4 years. So, that being said, soon, and I
    don't know how soon, my participation will begin to diminish for a while
    until I am resettled across the lake. I have to sell both cars, my brand new
    house which I love (it looks out on trees, squirrels and birds), and put all
    my stuff in storage. This will probably mean that I won't be able to sell my
    books for the next few years so if anyone wants one, they better act fast as
    they too will go into storage.

    This opportunity has come to me because of the tremendous amount of oil and
    gas that the group I manage has found over the past 3 years. I can't legally
    tell you anything more about the fields other than what the company press
    releases say. In the last 3 years we have found around a half a billion
    barrels of oil equivalent for them. This doesn't count the discovery we
    announced Monday. See

    I spent 5 years of my life trying to get that one drilled. It is very
    satisfying to see it be successful.

    And last year we found these (also from press reports from my company):

    Nansen field, East Breaks block 602, deepwater Gulf of Mexico, with
    estimated reserves of 725 billion to 950 billion cubic feet of gas
    equivalent Kerr-McGee operates with 50% interest. [approximately 150 million
    barrels of oil equivalent]

    Boomvang field, East Breaks block 643, deepwater Gulf of Mexico, with
    estimated reserves of 70 million to 100 million barrels of oil equivalent
    Kerr-McGee operates with 30% interest.

    This has been the most successful group of explorationists I have ever been
    associated with. I am proud of the people in my group.

    I am going to spend some time over the next few months deciding if I am
    going to continue my involvement from Scotland. First, since I won't have my
    library and might not have as much access to the latest information, I won't
    be up to date in the areas I have enjoyed debating in over the past few
    years. I don't want to be one of those who debates from an out of date
    knowledge base--as I have often complained, too many christians already do
    that. Secondly, I won't be able to sell my books from there. Thirdly my
    right hand is beginning to bother me again. The old timers who remember me
    from 1996 will recall that they had to move my nerve at my elbow because I
    was cutting it in two. My hand could probably use a rest for a while anyway.
    Fourth, I think I have pretty much said what I think needs to be said about
    the issues of science and christian faith. Obviously, my views are not
    something that most modern Christians find acceptable. One can only spit
    into the breeze so long. If I continue in this area I may only write an
    occasional article or two. I know I will remain involved up to the point of
    departure (whenever that is) and then pull back for a while. My new job will
    require a lot of effort the first year (learning the geology and geophysics
    of the North Sea) so I don't know if I really want to keep up this pace. I
    will decide that when I get over there and see what 18 hours a day of
    darkness does to one's mind this winter.

    Anyway, I just thought some one might be interested in this news.


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