Re: Another apologetical mess up

From: David Campbell (
Date: Mon Mar 27 2000 - 17:10:22 EST

  • Next message: glenn morton: "Re: Possible impact of ID"

    >>In addition to the body fossil of Kimberella, there are Precambrian traces
    >>of radular scraping, distinctive of mollusks.
    >I read recently that many of the trace fossils [like feeding trails] can be
    >explained as due to Cnidarians or flatworms. How late are the mollusc

    I am not sure exactly where in the late Precambrian they occur, but they
    have been mentioned in various publications. I believe Radulichnus is the
    ichnogenus. Dolf Seilacher has done some of the work on these.

    >There are also assorted
    >>fossils of uncertain affinities, including conodont-like forms, probably
    >>either chordates or chaetognaths.
    >any references for those?

    Benton, Fossil Record II (I think that was the edition) cited one of the
    non-euconodont groups (I forget which, possibly paraconodonts) in the
    latest Vendian.

    > On
    >>the other hand, there are some later fossils that do not fit, such as the
    >>Tully monster from the Carboniferous Mazon Creek.
    >Is there a URL for the Monster? What does it look like???

    Probably there are pictures up somewhere, but I do not know. It is
    soft-bodied, with an elongate trunk. I beleive the genus is Tullymonstrum.

    David C.

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