A friend's death

From: glenn morton (mortongr@flash.net)
Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 15:01:29 EST

  • Next message: glenn morton: "Re: Chimps, sin, Adam and Christ"

    I just learned of the death of a friend of mine (due to cancer) who was an
    implacable enemy of young-earth creationism. Bob Schadewald was a writer,
    the former president and editor of National Center for Science Education.
    While Bob and I did not share the same philosophy, we shared one thing, the
    desire that people get their facts straight. Bob didn't think much of
    Christianity but he never really tried to convert me to his view as many
    atheists/agnostics do.

    I met Bob when I was a young-earth creationist when he wrote me about one
    of my articles. He told me that it was a very good article. Coming from Bob
    and being a young-earth article, that said something. I only met him once
    face to face in 1986 at the first International Conference on Creationism.
    I had breakfast with him the morning of my talk. I knew I was about to
    deliver a very unpopular talk. Bob offered to catch any tomatoes that might
    be thrown my way.

    We kept in touch over the years. His last note to me was about two weeks
    ago when I showed him a note sent to me by a Christian who was chastising
    me for my web site being used by an atheist. Bob commented on how sad the
    letter was. He gave me some advice, "Tell this guy how many Christians you
    know of that have been converted to atheism by Morris, Gish, and others."

     There were no complaints from him at the end. I will miss Bob very much.

    Foundation, Fall and Flood
    Adam, Apes and Anthropology

    Lots of information on creation/evolution

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