Re: ID:philosophy or scientific theory?

From: Moorad Alexanian (
Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 09:18:41 EST

  • Next message: Moorad Alexanian: "Re: leaving the faith"

    Dear Glenn,

    It is too bad the Provine could not answer personally the questions I
    raised. Even if you believe that "ultimate
    reality lies in the here and now" you still have to make some further
    presuppositions to answer deep human questions. I am sure all the people who
    believe like he does do not agree! I do not know what kind of classes
    Provine teaches at Cornell, but I thought religion was not supposed to be
    taught in schools??

    Take care,


    -----Original Message-----
    From: glenn morton <>
    To: Moorad Alexanian <>
    Cc: Charles F. Austerberry <>;
    <>; greg <>
    Date: Friday, March 10, 2000 9:50 PM
    Subject: Re: ID:philosophy or scientific theory?

    >At 01:34 PM 3/10/00 -0500, Moorad Alexanian wrote:
    >>My post was in answer to Christians who witness to non-Christians
    >As I have said many times the creation/evolution issue is not very
    >effective at evangelism. Its strength lies in the ability to keep people
    >from leaving the faith. Thus it is a discipleship issue. One can't leave a
    >faith unless one was once part of it.
    >>Ask Provine what or where does he go to answer
    >>important, non-scientific questions. Ask him also what those questions
    >If you mean questions concerning ultimate reality, he believes ultimate
    >reality lies in the here and now. There isn't anything else. At least that
    >is what he has indicated to me in the past. I would hate to speak for him
    >or misrepresent his position.
    >>For all I know Provine is a rather dull person with no human insight!
    >I would assure you that Will has much insight. He is a delightful intellect
    >with a sharp wit and a quick jab to someone like me which jab has the
    >effect of making me think. He wouldn't be able to convert about half his
    >class each year to atheism if he didn't have human insight.
    >Foundation, Fall and Flood
    >Adam, Apes and Anthropology
    >Lots of information on creation/evolution

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