Re: ID:philosophy or scientific theory?

From: George Murphy (
Date: Sun Mar 12 2000 - 14:28:46 EST

  • Next message: glenn morton: "a misplaced phrase"

    glenn morton wrote:

            I respond briefly to a couple of points because I don't want to distract
    from my main point at the end.


    > You are the one who thinks I am wrong to consider Genesis 3 as accurate
    > history. But if it isn't accurate history how on earth can you say that
    > Genesis 3 relates anything of value at all? mere presupposition?

            First let's note that _your_ claim to understand Genesis 3 as _history_ is
    spurious. Your reconstructions of what may have happened millions of years ago with the
    first humans are indeed ingenious but they are simply claims that it "could have"
    happened that way. For all your useful compilations of data, we have no historical or
    paleontological or other data so finely focussed on the first human beings that enables
    us to say with any certainty that they were named Adam & Eve or that they ate from a
    forbidden tree or anything like that. Thus your claims to "accurate history" are
    vacuous. It's "coulda been", "not impossible" history.
            More importantly, Gen.3 is a _theological_ text which says that human beings are
    sinners. Its accuracy is to be judged by theological criteria. If you deny that you're
    a sinner, I can't prove it to you by a study of ancient history. In the same way, if
    you refuse to believe that your sins are forgiven for Christ's sake, no amount of
    information about the historical Jesus will prove it to you.

    > > By the same simple logic, Psalm 23 is false. No, don't do all your
    > dodging &
    > >weaving about poetry. Don't try the "it's a different kind of thing from
    > Gen.3" gambit.
    > >Ps.23 is a part of the Bible that says things which are false. I'm not a
    > sheep & I
    > >don't eat grass. It's simple logic.
    > Genesis 3 is not in a book of poetry. Psalms 23 is. Is Abraham poetry? Is
    > Joseph poetry? How does one know when to believe it is nonpoetry? When we
    > feel like it? And when it comes right down to it, I won't worship poetry.

            Nice dodging & weaving. The fact remains that by your criteria this part of
    the Bible is "inaccurate".

    > No I don't hand them a roll of tape. But then if God can't communicate to
    > us any real truth and He knows no history then why bother with Him.? That
    > is where your theology leads me. To me I would feel self-deceived. I was
    > deceived and self-deceived once as a YEC. I simply won't go there again.

            You never got away from it. You've just stretched out the time scale.

            The way in which this whole discussion has gotten away from the initial
    subject is an illustration of precisely the point I made to start with. That point
    was that discussions on this list, & most Evangelical ones of science & religion, seldom
    make any connection with Christ. Here we started out talking supposedly about the
    relationship between atonement & Genesis 3 but the subject has been reduced entirely to
    the historical accuracy of Genesis 3, whether the first humans were really named Adam &
    Eve &c. The debate is not about christology but adamology. In fact, I was criticized
    at one point for supposedly "subsuming" the Old Testament into the New, as if it were
    self-evidently ridiculous to give any kind of priority to the New! I rest my case.



    > Foundation, Fall and Flood
    > Adam, Apes and Anthropology
    > Lots of information on creation/evolution

    George L. Murphy

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