Re: ID (fwd)

From: Massie (
Date: Tue Mar 07 2000 - 10:32:54 EST

  • Next message: George Andrews: "Re: [Fwd: Re: "Genesis Reconsidered"]"

    Joel Cannon wrote:
    > Bert posed the question:
    > >
    > > Consider that one tossed a very very large number of dice on the table
    > > and then examines the pattern of digits in groups of 100 each.
    > and developed this analogy.
    > I wish to ask a question to Bert and others that moves in a different
    > direction:
    > Was the Grand Canyon (for example) intelligently designed?
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Joel W. Cannon | (724)223-6146
    > Physics Department |
    > Washington and Jefferson College |
    > Washington, PA 15301 |

    I make no claim that each feature on the landscape of the universe was
    ID'ed although some Christians would make an arguement about everything
    being the will of God. Obviously this is not the real issue in the
    debate on origins and I think you know this.

    The issue is about how organisms and the like came into being with such
    complex functional parts not about a single organism. That is, how come
    the gravitational constant is just right for the universe and life and
    not how come there was this and so pile of rocks in the way of a river.
    Am I the result of ID? The arguement would be generically yes but some
    my colleges on this line would argue the specifics in my case.

    Bert M

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