Re: Imago Dei

From: Dick Fischer (
Date: Sun Mar 05 2000 - 20:12:29 EST

  • Next message: Tim Ikeda: "Re: [Fwd: Re: "Genesis Reconsidered"]"

    Paul Seeley wrote:

    >This paragraph equates Noah's kin with "God's chosen" Noah's kin includes
    >everyone in Gen 10, including the Canaanites. But, when you say,
    >"In Genesis 1:27, Adam represented God, having been "created in His own
    >image." This status was passed through the godly line of Seth (Gen. 5:3).
    >Noah and his generations were God's chosen people, and thus were "in the
    >image" (Gen. 9:6). This status as representatives of God was conferred
    >upon the Israelites through the Abrahamic covenant (Gen. 17:1-8)."
    >you are excluding the Canaanites.

    I think it was Noah who excluded the Canaanites.

    >Also, Gen 9:6 says that whoever sheds man's blood, by man his blood shall be
    >shed, the reason clearly implied being that all mankind is in the image of
    >God. The statement makes no sense if all mankind is not in the image of

    All the Old Testament admonitions were written for the children of Israel.
    Christians we are the adopted sons of Abraham, but we don't adhere to "an eye
    an eye, a tooth for a tooth" or any of that.

    >Further, the statement goes back to Gen 1:26-27 where the "man" made in the
    >image of God is both male and female; so the statement cannot refer to the
    >one man Adam since he was only male. Or are females not in the image of God?

    Let's look at Gen. 1:27: "So God created man (‘adam) in his own image, in
    image of God created he him; male and female created he them."

    I read that Adam was created in the image of God, and that God created both

    male (Adam) and the female (Eve). There is no punctuation in the original.
    The semi
    colon could just as easily have been a period in the translation. My humble
    opinion is
    that Adam solely was God's chosen representative, and Eve was the designated
    mate much as Barbara Bush was first lady to the president, George Bush.
    and George may have been "one flesh," but they weren't co-presidents.

    Dick Fischer - The Origins Solution -
    "The answer we should have known about 150 years ago."

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