Re: Egg on both our faces

From: Keith B Miller (
Date: Fri Mar 03 2000 - 21:13:29 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Ubiquitous humans"

    >Poor Evolutionary evidences - "as found in your biology book"
    >1. Peppered moths
    >2. Piltdown man/Nebraska man
    >3. Haekel's (sp.) embryos
    >4. National Geographic's bird/dino fossil

    It must be remembered that the Geographic is a popularized magazine, not a
    science journal. The error was cought relatively quickly and the
    Geographic will follow up with an article on subsequent study of the forged
    specimen. As far as I know the archeoraptor was never discussed in the
    scientific literature - it was primarily a press event. This does not mean
    that I doesn't illustrate what happens when we let our excitement over a
    potential discovery (or validation of our ideas) overcome proper scientific
    caution. However, I also think it illustrates well why, and how, science


    Keith B. Miller
    Department of Geology
    Kansas State University
    Manhattan, KS 66506

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